Aesthetic Treatments
Our weight loss assist program consists of lipolytic injections to facilitate the breakdown of excess unwanted body fat, as well as an eating plan to help you change your eating habits to keep the unwanted body fat off permanently. The L’Carnitine lipolytic serum stimulates the fat cells and alpha receptors to emulsify and burn unwanted body fat and the Artichoke serum helps to eliminate this emulsified fat out through the lymphatic system. Research has shown that it works on specific areas where you have got the most fat deposits. This program is formulated by a Medical doctor and Nutritionist. It reshapes your body and easily maintains your shape and size after you have been on the program once you have adjusted to your new eating habits.
Mesostabyl serums are used to help break down and eliminate hard body fat in areas where normal exercise will not show much results, eg. Love handles on the sides above the hips and saddle bags, as well as hard fat deposits around the knees and ankles.
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