Aesthetic Treatments

Plasma Pen Treatments

What is the Plasma Pen?
The Plasma Pen is a device that produces a plasma micro beam that is applied to the area of choice. This beam generates heat and causes sublimation of the outermost part of the epidermis (outer layer of the skin), without damage to the surrounding or deeper structures of the skin.

What is Plasma Sublimation and how does it work?
Plasma sublimation is a revolutionary method of cosmetic procedure that requires no cutting of the skin, and no injectable anaesthetics. Trough the arc spark that is generated when the electric current comes into contact with the oxygen surrounding the skin, this electric charge vaporises/sublimates the skin causing tightening of the skin.

Plasma is generated when the atmospheric gas between the instrument tip and the skin is ionised. This causes a small electrical arc which causes the contraction, tightening and shortening of the skin fibres, which will result in a reduction of the skin surface, therefore improving the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and scars etc. The visible results are similar to those seen with surgery, but without the need for a single cut or stitch.

Plasma Sublimation has allowed aestheticians to treat signs of ageing and skin complaints, without actually cutting the skin, hence the soft surgery name. Plasma sublimation devices have many uses including: eyelid reconstruction (Blepharoplasty), removing the lines around the mouth (Perioral lift), improvement in the appearance of many types of scars, face and neck lifts, fat loss (Xanthelasma), thread vein removal, tattoo removal, and treating a number of skin imperfections. Since plasma sublimation has such a wide range of therapeutic uses, it is really important to find an experienced aesthetic practitioner and to attend a consultation before going ahead with any treatment.

What happens during Plasma Sublimation Treatment?
Following a consultation where you can discuss your expectations for treatment and whether plasma sublimation is the right treatment for you, the practitioner will take some photographs for later before and after comparison, and you will sign a consent form. Then, the treatment area will be cleaned. A topical anaesthetic cream will be applied, or if necessary; this will be left to take effect for up to 30 minutes.

The plasma tip is held 1-2mm away from the surface of the skin, and multiple shots are delivered to the treatment area close together. If the tip does touch the skin, most devices will cut out straight away, to stop any injury. However, you are likely to feel heat and discomfort in the treatment area, but treatment will only last between 10 – 60minutes depending on the size of the area being targeted.

What are the risks and potential complications from Plasma Sublimation Treatment?
In the hands of a trained professional, plasma sublimation is a very low risk procedure. It can even be used on delicate areas, such as the inner rim of the eye, following advanced training.

The side effects are minimal, and will not stop you from going about your daily activities. As mentioned previously there will be some redness and swelling, and the crusting of the skin may feel itchy and sore.

What should you do after Plasma Sublimation Treatment?
You are likely to feel a burning sensation after treatment, but that will usually disappear in the space of a few hours. If it does persist an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen is recommended. A cold compress should provide significant and immediate relief for the swelling, but an antihistamine will help if it is particularly uncomfortable.

Our clinic will offer you a special after care cream and you will be advised to purchase a water-based liquid foundation to cover-up and disguise the crusting, and it is important to keep the skin protected with a high factor sunscreen (SPF 30+) whilst it is healing. Do not pick or scratch at the carbon crusts as this could lead to scarring or even infection, so keep the area clean and dry. The skin will be particularly sensitive whilst it is healing, so avoid scrubs or alcohol based cleansers. You will be provided with written instructions for a safe aftercare regime, but always ask any unanswered questions.

Who can carry out Plasma Sublimation Treatment?
Plasma sublimation should only ever be carried out by a fully trained medical doctor or nurse or a qualified trained medical aesthetician (Somatologist).

Summary of Plasma Sublimation Treatment information
Plasma sublimation is a complete innovation in the world of aesthetic medicine, as it claims to offer the same results as an invasive surgical procedure, without a single cut to the skin being required. It also offers better, more instant, and longer lasting results than with other non-surgical modalities such as cryogenics and radiofrequency. This is because the plasma method of skin tightening maintains the integrity of the skin much better.

Plus, since no general anaesthetic is required, plasma sublimation has a much quicker recovery time than surgical procedures, whilst also being quicker and cheaper.

The tools used for plasma sublimation are extremely precise, and can be used on delicate areas (including the inner eyelid) with very little risk of injury. The tool can also be used on any area of the skin, and treat a wide range of complaints from wrinkles, to scars, to skin imperfections. This new innovation in soft surgery is considered to be the next big thing in the aesthetic industry.

Plasma Pen Lifting Treatments:

  • Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Glabella Lines (between Eye brows)
  • Wrinkle Reduction (Perioral or Neck Lift)
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Scar/Stretch Mark Removal
  • Spot/Skin Tag Removal
  • Xanthelasma Removal (Fat Deposits)
  • Tattoo Removal

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